Sierra Leone(sle)

Flag of Sierra Leone (according to gpt-4/gpt-4/2/1)


The flag of Sierra Leone consists of three horizontal stripes of equal width. The top stripe is green, the middle stripe is white, and the bottom stripe is blue. The aspect ratio of the flag is 2:3.

Color codes:

  • Green: Pantone 347 C, HEX #1EB53A, RGB (30,181,58)
  • White: HEX #FFFFFF, RGB (255,255,255)
  • Blue: Pantone 286 C, HEX #0072C6, RGB (0,114,198)

Geometric properties and measurements:

  • Each stripe occupies one-third of the flag's height.
  • The width of the flag is 1.5 times its height.

No other specific measurements or geometric properties are provided for the flag of Sierra Leone.