
Flag of Montenegro (according to gpt-4/gpt-4/2/1)


The flag of Montenegro has a red field with a gold border and the country's coat of arms in the center. The aspect ratio is 1:2.


  • Red (background): Pantone 186 C, HEX #CE1126, RGB (206,17,38)
  • Gold (border and coat of arms): Pantone 116 C, HEX #FFCD00, RGB (255,205,0)

Geometric properties and measurements:

  • The gold border forms a rectangle around the red field, with a width equal to 1/20th of the flag's length.
  • The coat of arms is centered on the red field, with its height equal to 2/3rds of the flag's width.
  • The distance between the coat of arms and the gold border is equal to 1/20th of the flag's length on all sides.

The flag does not have any specific geometric shapes or patterns beyond the coat of arms and the border.