Cayman Islands(cym)
The flag of the Cayman Islands has a blue field with the Union Jack in the upper hoist-side quadrant and the coat of arms on the fly side. The aspect ratio is 1:2.
- Blue (Pantone 286 C): HEX #003399, RGB(0,51,153)
- Red (Pantone 186 C): HEX #C8102E, RGB(200,16,46)
- White: HEX #FFFFFF, RGB(255,255,255)
- Yellow (Pantone 116 C): HEX #FFCD00, RGB(255,205,0)
- Green (Pantone 355 C): HEX #009E60, RGB(0,158,96)
Geometric properties and measurements:
- The Union Jack occupies the upper quarter of the hoist side.
- The coat of arms is centered on the right half of the flag, taking up approximately half of the flag's length and one-third of its width.
The flag does not have specific measurements for its elements, but they should be proportionate to the overall dimensions of the flag.