The flag of Vietnam consists of a red background with a large, five-pointed golden star in the center. The color codes for the flag are as follows:
- Red: Pantone 186 C (RGB: 218, 37, 29; HEX: #DA251D)
- Yellow/Gold: Pantone 116 C (RGB: 255, 206, 0; HEX: #FFCE00)
The flag's aspect ratio is 2:3, meaning its width is two units and its length is three units.
Geometric properties and measurements:
- The flag is divided into six equal horizontal sections.
- The star's points touch the edges of an imaginary circle with a diameter equal to three-fifths of the flag's width.
- Each point of the star is an isosceles triangle, with the angle at the tip being 36 degrees and the base angles being 72 degrees.
- The star's center is located at the intersection of the lines dividing the flag into six equal horizontal sections and equally spaced vertical sections.
These proportions and dimensions allow for consistency when reproducing the flag for various purposes.