Trinidad and Tobago(tto)

Flag of Trinidad and Tobago (according to gpt-3.5-turbo-0301/gpt-3.5-turbo-0301/1/2)


The flag of Trinidad and Tobago consists of two equally sized horizontal stripes. The upper stripe is red (#FF0000) while the lower stripe is black (#000000). In the center of the flag, there is a white (#FFFFFF) equilateral triangle with sides that are one-third of the width of the flag. Inside the triangle, there is a black outline of three interconnected ships that are colored red at the top and bottom with a white middle section.

The aspect ratio of the Trinidad and Tobago flag is 3:5, meaning that the flag's width is 1.67 times its height. The flag's geometric properties are straightforward, consisting of two equally sized rectangles and an equilateral triangle in the center.

There are no official measurements specified for the Trinidad and Tobago flag, but typically the flag's dimensions are 3 feet by 5 feet or 36 inches by 60 inches.